- Make a new canvas. Here, I used 800 x 800 pixels, 72 dpi, RGB, background white
- Invert your background to make it black
- Make a new layer
- Use your circular marquee to draw a circle and fill it with white
2. step two :
- Make a new document, 20 pixels x 20 pixels, RGB, background transparent
- Use your circular marquee to draw a circle and fill it with black
3. step three :
- Edit: Define pattern (call it Dimples)
- Go back to your original document (Ctrl-Tab) and make a new layer
- Ctrl-click Layer 1 (the white circle you created) and press Shift-Delete to bring up your Fill options dialogue
- Select Pattern, and fill with your Dimples pattern
4. step four :
- Press Ctrl-T to bring up Free Tansform and rotate this layer 45 degrees. Press Enter.
- Filter:Blur:Gassian Blur 2.0 pixels
- Now Ctrl-click Layer 1, and hit Ctrl-F to repeat the blur
5. step five :
- Filter>Distort>Spherize 100%
6. step six :
- Now we'll finish the map by creating the contour of the ball itself. Press D to reset your palette, press X to invert the colours, and select your gradient tool (G).
- Select radial gradient, foreground to background and change the opacity to 50%. Make sure your original circle is still selected, and draw a gradient from the center of the circle to the outer edge
7. step seven :
- Now we have a successful map to apply lighting effects.
- Create a new layer, hold down alt, and merge visible. This will be our rendering channel. Select all, copy, create a new channel, and paste.
- Hit RGB composite, and go back to the merged layer
- Press Shift-Delete and fill with 50% Grey
- Now go into Filter:Render:Lighting effects
- Now here's where the fun begins. you can create whatever lighting you like. For this one in particular, I used a spotlight and an omni light. Change your texture channel toAlpha 1 (the one we created) and set white is high and height 50.
8. step eight :
- Hit okay.
9. step nine :
- Now we'll delete the extra material. Ctrl-click the original circle layer, invert the selection, and hit Backspace. Good. It's just a little harsh. No sweat, we'll lighten it up a bit with levels.
10. step ten :
- Press Ctrl-L to go into levels, and drag the Black triangle on the gradient at the bottom of the dialogue up to 125. I also brought the grey point down to 1.30
11. step eleven :
- Now we'll just finish it up with some layer effects. Hide the two source layers, and double click the final render to get into layer effects.
- Here I used the following...
- Inner Shadow
- Hard Light with Black
- Angle -159
- Distance 49 px
- Choke 0%
- Size 62 px
- Colour Overlay
- Blending mode Color
- Colour #929AA0
- Opacity 100%
- Gradient Overlay
- Blending Mode Overlay
- Style: Linear
- Angle 24 degrees
- Scale 70%
- I also made the background white again.
- Here is the final before touhups...
12. Final Ball
By Phil_The_Rodent www.photoshopCD.com
Golf Ball
Andrew Saick