- Open a new image - transparent background.
- Fill the first layer with your choise of color - not to dark...
- Now select the Type Tool and use the same color that you used on your backround.
- Type the wanted text and click ok.
- Ctrl + leftclick your text layer to select the text.
- Your image should look similar to figure 1.
2. Step two :
- Now you have to render the text layer. (Layer - Type - Render Layer).
- Then use the Brightness/Contrast function to darken the text a little bit.
- Image - Adjust - Brighntess/Contrast. Brightness: -8 Contrast: 0.
3. Step three
- Now it's time to add some inner shadow to the text to give the text that chiseled look.
- Go to Layer - Effects - Inner Shadow.
- I used the following setting, but if you use the effect on larger text you may want to increase the distance a little bit.
- Play around with the settings until you have the apperance you are looking for...
Mode: Multiply
Opacity: 75 %
Angle: 120
Distance: 5
Blur: 5
Intensity: 25
4. step four :
- With the text still selected go to the first layer and click on the new layer button.
- Call this layer White Shadow. Turn off the text layer by clicking on the eye icon.
- Select White as your foreground color and fill your selection with white using the Paint Bucket Tool.
- Deselect (Ctrl + D).
- Still at the White Shadow layer go to Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius: 2 pixels.
Your image should now look like fig. 3.
5. step five :
- Select the Move Tool and move the white shadow layer 2 pixels down and 2 pixels to the right using the arrow keys.
- Turn on the text/cutout layer again.
- Turn down the opacity on the white shadow layer till you get the wanted effect.
- I turned the opacity down to 70 %.
You image should now look like fig. 4.
6. final step
- Go back to layer 1 (background layer).
- Duplicate it by dragging it down to the Create New Layer icon .
- Turn off the new layer and go back to layer 1.
- Now go to Filter - Noise - Add Noise - Amount 25, Uniform and Monochromatic checked.
- Select the text/cutout layer and apply the same effect.
- I also darkened the text a bit more (Image - Adjust - Brightness/Contrast - Brightness -16, Contrast 0).
- Now go to the Layer 1 Copy layer and turn down the opacity until you get the wanted effect. I turned the opacity down to 71 %.
Your final image should look like fig. 5.
Source : http://www.eyesondesign.net/
Photoshop Cut-Out Text
Andrew Saick