Start with opening your image.
2. step two :
- Push down the Ctrl-button and left-click the image layer to select your image.
- Now go to Selection - Modify - Expand - 2 pixels. (For larger images you'll need to insert 3-4 pixels).
- Create a new layer - call it white shadow - and place it beneath your image layer.
- Select White as your foreground colour and flood fill your selection (choose the Paintbucket and select foreground in the options window on the top right side of your screen).
- Your image should now look like fig. 2.
- Keep your selection and create a new layer over the white shadow layer and beneath the image layer and call it black shadow.
- Select black as your foreground colour and flood fill your selection.
- Now deselect (Ctrl - D).
3. step three :
- Still at the black shadow layer choose Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur and insert 1,5 - 2 pixels.
I used 1,9 pixels. Click ok.
- Activate the white shadow layer and repeat the Gaussian Blur effect - fig. 3.
4. step four :
- Now we have to move the two shadow layers a little bit to get the wanted effect.
- Still at the White shadow layer select the Move Tool ( see fig. 4).
- Now we have to move the white shadow layer one pixel down and one pixel to the left (for larger images move 2-3 pixels....).
- Use the arrowkeys on your keyboard to move the layer. (One touch at the down-arrow = one pixel down etc.).
- Now select the black shadow layer. Now move this layer one pixel up and one pixel to the right.
5. Finished !
© Copyright Nina Indset Andersen 2000 - 2003. All rights reserved
Andrew Saick